Friday, 28 November 2008

some really old work.

this is an interactive sound installation for my btec fine art f.m.p, using a childs piano attached to the pickups of my guitar plugged up to two 20 watt amps. 
i manipulated the sound of the piano using several effect pedals, the peadls were attached to the wall installation wich i invited people to see what sound they could get out of it, i used a revese delay and a chorus flanger, wich resulted in an ossalating layered wave of warm crackles and low sub bass explosions. the idea came from listening to other peoples coversations and how large groups of people in a room create a static white noise.
 again i am very proud of this peice of work and feel compeled to show it.





some old work

these are some screen prints from a book project i did on my foundation the story of the emporers new cloths and trying fitting the story round the conspirisy theoreis of the illuminati and the freemasons, the images lack narative but have a strong graphic continuity and as my first introdution into screen printing, im preety damn proud of them and i feel compelled to post them up. enjoy.




