Sunday, 31 May 2009

biopic intro

unfortunately squeezing this through quicktime has ment that its lot some of its quality, but this will give you a general feel for the speed and pace, still need to do the rest of it. time is running out!!!

No Sweat.

piece for end of year show, still needs a bit of work doing to it, i plan to treat the surface with a filler of some sort, ready for painting, as polystyrene is a pretty naff texture and crubbles pretty easy. hopefully by the end of the week he will have his wieghts and will be ready to pump some iron.




Thursday, 21 May 2009

Kitch Bitch Taster

here are a few frames from the bigraphical animation how to make a fanny cradock, the ingredients of her life, these few frames are from the intro a work in progress.
in this sequence i hope to make fannny burst out of the steak but time will tell. this is kind of a transcription of the start of fannys kichen magic were she busts out of the tv to save the domestic day, and also would like to intergrate the piped type with the steak.



this is another experiment for the title sequence using fannys favorite culnary tecniech, the piping method.




at some point i will drop it all into quick time, super rad!

Friday, 6 March 2009

Albrecht Durer

The revelation of S.John (Apocalypse)
The four riders of the apocalypse (Rev VI, 2-8)

S.Jhon ddevours the book. (Rev X, 1-5, 8-10)

The opening of the fitrh and sixth seals, the disrobution of white garments among the martyrs and the fall of the stars. (Rev. VI, 9-15)

The seven trumpets are given to the angels. (Rev VII, 2-13)

The man of sorrows.

Monday, 2 March 2009

pixalation station

hers a little experiment with stop frame, hella fun being stupid!